Our Partners

Our Partners

The partnership consists of six different members from six diverse EU countries (BE, IT, RS, CY, GR, PL), which will work together, in the fields of formal, informal, and non-formal education. The partners will support the Culture and Creative Sector (CCS) by empowering young people, to be successful innovators. Activities to boost digital skills and initiatives that assist in the Digitalisation of Culture will promote arts and culture in the younger generation.

Participants will be able to assess their competence level through quantitative and qualitative self-evaluations. The partnership will capitalize and build on each other’s knowledge and expertise, as well as experience from best practices in their national context, for future circulation and transfer of know-how.

The SIDE project partners are:


European Association for Viewers Interests AISBL


Centro di Formazione ed Alta Specializzazione

Danube 1245

ENOROS Consulting Ltd.


Center for Education and Innovation


Europejska Fundacja na Rzecz Wspierania Rozwoju Innowacyjnego