


November 2023

Final Thoughts

November 16, 2023|

Thanks to all our partners, we are pleased that the Successful Digital Culture Citizenship Innovators (SIDE) project was completed satisfactorily. We are very proud of our achievements, the quality of the MOOC, and the other [...]

March 2022

Virtual and Augmented Reality

March 30, 2022|

Module 10 sets the goal to present information and concepts about Virtual and Augmented Reality through a practical approach allowing end-users to have access to the most simplified insight into these fantastic technologies. At [...]

Digital Culture Promotion in social media & beyond

March 30, 2022|

Fast technological advancements have resulted in the rapid development of the digital culture. Therefore, digital culture is inseparably linked with our tangible world and culture as both cultures share elements and form our modern [...]

What is Digital Culture?

March 29, 2022|

The rise of digital and online technology has not simply influenced the way in which we live and connect, but it has revolutionised the traditional ways of understanding culture. The existence of a distinct [...]

Digital Cultural Storytelling

March 16, 2022|

Module  8: will address the theme “DIGITAL CULTURAL STORYTELLING”.  In the module, you’ll find information about: Classical and digital storytelling and their features; Storytelling’s Narrative Schemes; Storytelling in the digital and educational fields; Storytelling [...]

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