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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
© Copyright 2023 SIDE Project | All Rights Reserved
Developed by Elias Tsourapas
© Copyright 2023 SIDE Project | All Rights Reserved
Developed by Elias Tsourapas
The European Foundation for Innovative Development – EFID was established in Warsaw, Poland a few years ago by a group of young adults to empower and support their peers, children, and youth while their search for a better world regarding of education, training, self-development and participation pursuits. EFID’s vision is to help create a society in which every person feels accepted, included, and appreciated, without any prejudice or bias. EFID works with the local and European community to increase public awareness and advance, innovate and ultimately empower individuals. Our mission is to bring about change to our society by educating, inspiring, and mobilizing the global community.
EFID participates in the SIDE project and brings with them their expertise in developing innovative digital training methodologies.
INNOVED is a Greek educational and consulting organization merely focusing on knowledge and innovation transfer in the broader fields of education, lifelong learning and training; entrepreneurship and employment aspects; non formal learning and training methods with the usage of modern technologies.
The main mission of INNOVED is the promotion of knowledge, educational practices and opportunities to the cultural and economic development of the local community and wider society.
ENOROS Consulting Ltd was established in 2006 and has since been active in the field of Project Management in Cyprus and in the European area, providing comprehensive consulting services to the public and private sectors. ENOROS objective is to provide specialized knowledge in planning, management and evaluation of development programs and projects, both at national and European levels. It comprises three Directorates (Public Sector works, Private sector projects and International & European projects), which are appropriately staffed by 10 committed consultants with high scientific education and training, extensive experience and knowledge in thematic fields relevant to the company’s areas of expertise.
The Association activities are focused on: regional cooperation and joint activities towards regional and local sustainable development; protection and valorisation of local natural and cultural heritage, and work on development of knowledge in the local community based on non-formal education and training of citizens (academia sector).
The Association’s staff are skilled in project management (certified), training (certified), networking (as a member of various associations, locally and internationally), moderation and facilitation of various meetings and events, especially in usage of citizen participation toolbox. The director of Project Management Sector of Danube 1245 was a Project Manager and chief of pilot Municipal Office for Community Development in Sremski Karlovci, designed to introduce a citizen participation toolbox.
Ce.F.A.S. – Training and High Specialization Center is a Vocational Training Organization, established in December 2015, accredited by the Puglia Region for Continuing Education, Higher Education and Training.
It is composed of a stable team of experts connected to a network of highly qualified collaborators, consultants and professionals with multidisciplinary skills, experts in training and business consulting. Ce.F.A.S. operates in the field of vocational training by offering training activities for employed workers, specialization courses for the unemployed, tailor-made training courses and specific consultancy for businesses, highly qualified teaching services, planning and management of training projects.
EAVI is an international non-profit organisation registered in Brussels which advocates media literacy and full citizenship. EAVI supports the adoption of initiatives that enable citizens read, write and participate in public life through the media.